Carry out scientific and technological innovation activities

Cultivate future innovative talents



"Little Creative Inventors" won the 12th Macau International Innovation and Invention Exhibition 2 silver and 2 bronze!


澳隊揚威第二十一屆廣東省少年兒童發明獎優秀作品展 勇奪六項一等獎

澳隊揚威第二十一屆廣東省少年兒童發明獎優秀作品展 勇奪六項一等獎

2023 "11th Macau International Innovation and Invention Exhibition" Charter

2023年“第11届澳门国际创新发明展” 章程

2021 The 9th Macao International Innovation and Invention Exhibition

In line with the national "13th Five-Year Plan", "One Belt, One Road" and "Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area" construction and deployment, by building an exchange platform for local and international innovation and invention and innovation by international youth and enterprises The inventio...

Event Poster - Macau International Innovation and Invention Exhibition 2016

活動宣傳海報 - 澳門國際創新發明展 2016

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